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Thank you for reporting any issues.


Please report any water leaks or broken sprinklers

in and around your home as soon as possible.


Tenants are responsible for following

any watering restrictions from the City.


Please Click Here for the current watering

schedules for your home.


Watering Restrictions are still in place

from the City.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


Sac City Rentals

For the most efficient response to your maintenance request

please login to your Tenant Portal below

or call (916) 835-7482.


We will obtain any necessary approvals from the owner

and contact the appropriate contractor for you right away.


Please send us a detailed description of the issue 

you are having and based on the contractor schedules

someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible.


Don't worry, A/C and Heating Units take top priority.


For Major Water Leaks or Emergency Calls

Please Call our 24-Hour Hotline at:

(408) 464-9716


To set up your Tenant Portal,

please send us your preferred email address

and we will forward the set up link to you asap.


If you are already signed up,

please login to your portal and submit your request below.






As a reminder, tenants are responsible for maintaining

the home and landscaping.  If you need any referrals for

house cleaning, carpet cleaning, or yard maintenance

please email us.


Thank you for reporting this issue.

Trusted Vendors

Lawn Care by Elmer

(916) 548-8497


Housecleaning Services

(916) 519-7027

Junk Removal
(916) 897-4210

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